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John   Burton

Research Fellow
Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining
University of Queensland (Australia)

Member of
Australian Anthropological Society (AAS)
Geographic administrative areas
Geographic places
Australia (area)
Historical periods
Ancestral Oceania
First and Early contacts
The Colonial time
20th century
21st century
Indigenous languages
Tok Pisin
Download the CV
  • PhD Research (1980 to 1984)
    Axe makers of the Wahgi — Australian National University
    Thesis on traditional technology, stone axe production and exchange systems in the Papua New Guinea highlands
  • Consulting Work (1991 to 2014)
    Ok Tedi Social Impact Analysis — University of Papua New Guinea/Ok Tedi Mining Ltd
    SIA and social mapping work downstream of the Ok Tedi gold and copper mine, Western Province, Papua New Guinea
  • Consulting Work (1995 to 2012)
    Hidden Valley Social Impact Analysis — five different mining companies
    SIA and social mapping work around the Hidden Valley gold mine, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
  • Consulting Work (2005 to 2013)
    Native Title research in North Queensland — NQLC/other law firms
    Native Title connection research variously on behalf of the Babaram, Jirrbal, Muluridji, Warrungu and Kudjala people
  • Collaborative Project (2008 to 2014)
    Social Mapping of the Kokoda Track — DEC/Environment Australia
    Social Mapping of traditional communities in the Kokoda Track area, Central and Oro Provinces, Papua New Guinea
  • Consulting Work (2013 to 2013)
    Training for PNG Women in Mining Steering Committee — PNG Mineral Resources Authority
    Running a series of workshops for the PNG Women in Mining Steering Committee
  • Member's corner

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    The database of experts counts today 1241 profiles, of which 596 are publicly accessible, while 645 have chosen to remain private.

    These persons have defined 750 unique keywords in which they situate their research interests and expertise.

    They have also defined and described 650 'experiences' (research and teaching activities, consulting work, or applied projects) in which they have contributed.